Apply To Join
Membership Benefits
Promote your business every week to other local businesses
Regular advice and training from industry professionals
Exclusively held position for your business category
Grow your business and networks with regular referral work
Please read the information below before requesting to join
We provide unique positions to our members within their selected category or industry, such as one electrician, one IT company, one printer. This guarantees the preservation of trust and loyalty among members and establishes their businesses as the go-to experts in their respective categories. Check our MEMBERS LIST to see if your category is available.
We currently a free to join organisation but please note this might change in the future.
As a visitor, you can attend the meeting a total of 3 times before considering becoming a member. This gives you chance to see if its right for your business.
The Person
You must be a black person running a business in Scotland.
The Business
The business or company you represent must be a registered company
You are required to pass, on average, one qualified referral every Month.
You are expected to be ethical, professional, and experienced in your line of work.
Your Category
You must be working full-time in your category.
You are required to sponsor one new member within your first year.